Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Sleep and Mood

Drugs, stressful situations, and even excessive noise can affect daily body rhythms and moods. An irregular living schedule can aggravate mood disorders. The old-fashioned sanitarium rest cure was effective with the "nervous" because it put the patient on a regular schedule of sleep, activity, and meals. Below are some kinds of sleep disturbances that can make mood disorder worse.


A person suffering from insomnia has difficulty initiating or maintaining normal sleep, which can result in non-restorative sleep and impairment of daytime functioning. Insomnia includes sleeping too little, difficulty falling asleep, awakening frequently during the night, or waking up early and being unable to get back to sleep. It is characteristic of many mental and physical disorders. Those with depression, for example, may experience overwhelming feelings of sadness, hopelessness, worthlessness, or guilt, all of which can interrupt sleep. Hypomanics, on the other hand, can be so aroused that getting quality sleep is virtually impossible without medication.

Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome

This is the most common circadian-rhythm sleep disorder that results in insomnia and daytime sleepiness, or somnolence. A short circuit between a person's biological clock and the 24-hour day causes this sleep disorder. It is commonly found in those with mild or major depression. In addition, certain medications used to treat bipolar disorder may disrupt the sleep-wake cycle.

REM Sleep Abnormalities

REM sleep abnormalities have been implicated by doctors in a variety of psychiatric disorders, including depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, some forms of schizophrenia, and other disorders in which psychosis occurs.

Irregular Sleep-Wake Schedule

This sleep disorder is yet another problem that many with Bipolar II experience and in large part results from a lack of lifestyle scheduling. Bipolar drug abusers and/or alcoholics who stay awake all night searching for similar addicts and engaging in drug-seeking behavior, which results in sleeping the next day, usually experience the reverse sleep-wake cycle.

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

When Fear Paralyzes

General Anxiety Disorder affects roughly 4 to 5 million people of the American population alone. The symptoms are many and vary from person to person. There are however a few symptoms that are the same across the board for most people and which generally characterize their lives and lifestyles. The sufferer will live in a chronic and exaggerated state of worry and tension most of the time. Extreme emotions may arise even if there is nothing happening to provoke these feelings. Symptoms can also induce the sufferer to be always anticipating disaster.

Although worry is a natural emotion and most of us experience it from time to time in our daily lives, for the sufferer worry is chronic and most times pathological. Many times the chronic worrier will let their worries overtake their world and will sometimes let it go so far as to incapacitate them in their daily lives.

It can bring on insomnia, panic attacks and depression. Intense anxiety and fear are also quite common to these symptoms. Other more physical, symptoms include headaches, diarrhea and nausea, lightheadedness, trembling or twitching. A palpitating or pounding heart, shortness of breath and trouble concentrating are also effects that can occur.

Irritability and mood swings, constant tension coupled with the inability to relax are all General Anxiety Disorder symptoms, and are all contributing features to other symptoms as well.

This vicious cycle can sometimes take its toll not only on the Disorder sufferer but also on the family of the sufferer. The pressures of living with a person who suffers from GAD, the inability to cope with the persistent and sometimes inconsequential worrying, the constant depression and mood swings can all take their toll. Most families do not survive too well if someone within the family suffers from this disorder.

Choosing a Therapist Step-By-Step

Therapy is a collaborative process, so finding the right match is critical. After you find someone, keep in mind that therapy is work and sometimes can be painful. However, it also can be rewarding and life changing.

What are the steps for choosing a therapist?

1. See your primary care physician to rule out a medical cause of your problems. Many physical disorders can mimic psychological ones.

2. After you know your problems are not caused by a medical condition, find out what the mental health coverage is under your insurance policy or through Medicaid/Medicare.

3. Get two or three referrals before making an appointment. Specify age, sex, race, or religious background if those characteristics are important to you.

4. Call to find out about appointment availability, location, and fees. Find out if they take your insurance or if they charge by income.

5. Make sure the therapist has experience helping people whose problems are similar to yours. Don't be afraid to ask about experience.

6. If you are satisfied with the answers, make an appointment.

7. During your first visit, describe those feelings and problems that led you to seek help. Find out how the therapist reacts and what options you are given for treatment. Do you feel comfortable with your choices?

8. Be sure the psychotherapist does not take a "cookie cutter" approach to your treatment - different psychotherapies and medications are tailored to meet specific needs. You are an individual and your therapist must show that perspective.

9. After your initial visit, take some time to explore how you felt about the therapist. Is there a connection? Do you feel comfortable?

10. If everything meets your approval, schedule your next appointment. If not, go back to the list you gathered in Step 3 and start over again.

Monday, 29 October 2012

The Most Common Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviors

*When people are obsessed at avoiding being dirty or contaminated, they frequently wash their hands and feet, clean and bathe their bodies. They do not feel comfortable about bodily waste and urinating because these procedures are often disgusting to look at or experience. They also feel extremely and unreasonably anxious about contracting dreadful illnesses in almost any setting.

*Some people always want to live in extremely neat surroundings. While they're not that obsessed about getting sick from dirt, they do care very much about their appearances. They always want to look and feel clean. They are perfectionists when it comes to ordering and aligning objects. They can spend hours just to obtain the precise positioning of their things.

*Some people become obsessed about saving things for future use are incapable of throwing any object, even a piece of candy wrapper, in fear of throwing something that could prove useful or necessary in the future. These people are uncaring about the neatness of their surroundings or the order of their possessions. All they care to do is stash everything they can. People suffering from this particular OCD may also be meticulous about that object goes where.

*A person may develop OCD symptoms on certain habits or actions for no reason at all. When this happens, they become obsessed at performing these tasks over and over. It could be something as silly as repeating questions several times or counting money repeatedly before handing it over.

With proper therapy, affected individuals will learn to cope with OCD symptoms and accept that the disorder is there to stay until an effective cure is created. As a last note, you must keep in mind that an individual can develop OCD symptoms about anything. Hence, lists of OCD symptoms will only give you at best an idea of general areas that individuals may have OCD tendencies about.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

When the Cure Harms

Zoloft is an SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor); a prescription drug that combats depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), as well as other various problems. An SSRI works by allowing more serotonin to be released through the brain. The more seratonin in the brain, the more chance it will be picked up and carried.

Seratonin is a brain chemical associated with happiness. Between nerve endings in the brain, there are synapses. All signals in the brain are transmitted through chemicals being produced then absorbed by one nerve and another. When these chemicals are released the next nerve either takes them in or the nerve that released them will re-absorb them and the signal doesn't pass. When this happens, depression occurs.

Some antidepressants work by blocking the reuptake of Seratonin by the releasing nerve. That means that more Seratonin stays in the synapse in the hopes that the new nerve that, in the case of Seratonin, will absorb it.

The problem with Zoloft is that it has been shown to cause a condition known as akathisia. Akathisia is described as an overwhelming physical and mental restlessness that often leads people to destructive behavior.

Pfizer, the manufacturer of Zoloft has been charged with purposefully concealing information they had about the side effects of Zoloft including akathisia. Pfizer has furthermore been charged with promoting the drug for off-label use not approved of by the FDA. A few cases of homicide or violent behavior have used Zoloft induced akathisia as a defense.

If you or a loved on has been affected by Zoloft, find a doctor to see if you may have one of the serious side effects from the drug which includes akathisia. If you can tie your health problem to Zoloft you may be able to pursue your case in court to receive financial compensation

The Types of Depression

Depression can take many forms. Seasonal affective disorder, clinical depression, and bipolar depression and postpartum depression are all commonly diagnosed types of depression. Conditions such as substance abuse or an eating disorder may be confused with depression, and can make any form of depression rather hard to diagnose. Other conditions can worsen a case of depression.

The following are some very common forms of depression.

One of the major types of depression is bipolar depression (also known as manic depressive illness). Bipolar depression is commonly recognized as someone experiencing being overly happy, then suddenly becoming horribly depressed.

One of the major types of depression that women are known to suffer from is postpartum depression. This takes place right after giving birth to a baby.

A common subtype of depression is seasonal affective disorder. This form of depression seems to be tied to the way people react to the amount of sunlight that is available to them each day.

A very serious form of the many types of depression is psychotic depression. Those that suffer from psychotic depression very often hallucinate. This is one of the most dangerous types of depression and often there is a need for someone else to jump in and help.

People that seem to be suffering constantly from a mild form of depression are likely to be suffering from dysthymia.

Another of the many types of depression that are very commonly suffered by women is atypical depression. Experiencing things like panic attacks, overeating, and sleeping disturbances commonly mark this form of depression.

No matter which one of the many types of depression you might be suffering from, knowing the difference between them is the best way to get the best possible treatment. Discuss any signs of depression with your doctor and work with him to find the treatment that is best suited for you.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Combined-Type ADHD

In the category of hyperactivity/impulsivity, an individual must have six or more of the following symptoms: often fidgets while sitting, often leaves seat in structure setting, often runs around inappropriately (restlessness), often has trouble playing quietly, often talks excessively, often blurts out answers before question completed, often has difficulty waiting turn and often interrupts or intrudes on others. Some of these symptoms must have present before the age of seven, and they must have lasted for at least six months.

In the category of inattention, an individual must have six or more of the following symptoms: often makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, work and other activities, often has difficulty keeping attention sustained in task or play activities, often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly, often has difficulty organizing tasks and activities, often avoids and dislikes tasks that require sustained mental effort, often loses things that are necessary for everyday life, often is easily distracted by extraneous stimuli and often is forgetful in daily activities. Some of these symptoms must have been present before the age of seven, and they must have lasted at least six months.

The combined type of ADHD is actually the most common among ADHD sufferers. They are also the individuals most at risk for other negative problems in their lives due to the nature of the disorder. First of all, children with Combined Type ADHD have higher rates of conduct disorder. Parents who have a child with this type must constantly be on the lookout for problems in other arenas of their lives besides specific symptoms of ADHD. Just keep in mind that problems in the emotional, psychological and social domains are a result of a response to having ADHD, and not the disorder itself. The way your child acts can be changed with time and work.

Friday, 26 October 2012


Zoloft (Sertraline) is used to treat major depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, bipolar disorder, and panic disorder. Zoloft is one of the few antidepressants that doesn't pass through the mother's breast milk, and so it is safe for breastfeeding mothers to take. However, it can cause fetal defects if taken during the third trimester of pregnancy, so it is not safe for pregnant women to take. Talk with your doctor about a possible substitute during this period.

Zoloft has similar side effects to most SSRI antidepressants, including insomnia, dry mouth, constipation, dizziness, and lack of libido. It may also cause weight gain. Possible serious side effects include mania and thoughts of suicide, especially in adolescents or in senior citizens. Sometimes Zoloft's side effects may prove to be too serious or inconvenient for you to continue taking Zoloft. In this case, ask a doctor to help you come off of Zoloft, as suddenly stopping Zoloft may cause severe SSRI withdrawal symptoms. Zoloft has been implicated in a number of suicides, and is not recommended for adolescents due to the high risk of suicides for this age group. If you plan to take Zoloft, you will need to have a loved one or doctor monitor you when you first begin to take Zoloft to watch for suicidal thoughts or feelings.. .

Zoloft, an SSRI antidepressant, is proven to correct major clinical depression. Like all SSRI antidepressants, it carries with it a risk of side effects and withdrawal syndrome, but with the aid of a competent doctor you should be able to avoid major complications associated with the drug. Zoloft is not recommended to adolescents due to the increased risk of suicide, seemingly greater than other SSRI antidepressants. No reason for this has been found yet, so avoidance is the best thing.

Adult Attention Deficit Disorder

Attention deficit disorder adult or adult add, can be a very frustrating condition to have. Almost all original research and the development of attention deficit disorders focused on children and youth, but adults are just as likely to have the State as the youth. Disorder makes visible in childhood, usually with difficulties at school is one of the most common stamps on the condition that helps explain why it has focused as much on children with the disease. But children with attention deficit disorder grow up to be adults with attention deficit disorder.

If you are an adult and have trouble focusing on work, have trouble listening to people in everyday conversations, find out many people, often losing things, is easily distracted by tasks, is easily frustrated, or find feel stimulated frequently, you can have deficit disorder adult's attention.

Treatment of the disorder reflect the treatments used for children with the disease. The first step you need to take if you think you may have a problem of adult attention deficit is to see a doctor. There are other conditions that can mimic a condition of attention deficit adult such as bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression or disorder obsessive compulsive disorder, and it is important that they be excluded before attempting treatment.

Most health professionals agree that there are also a number of drugs, measures to take to help relieve some of your symptoms. Get regular vigorous exercise has been shown to help many people with ADD. A high protein diet is also recommended. To keep the lists, type notes, split large tasks into smaller parts and other measures similar to the counter of your disorder will certainly help and. Medicine is also another option. Discuss with your doctor and together decide which method is best.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Expressive Therapies in Mental Health

Many people who are diagnosed with mental issues show an extreme liking for or talent in the creative arts. It only makes sense that some of the alternative treatments incorporate this natural tendency. Below I cover three such alternative treatments. Often each is combined with more traditional methods, but not always.

Art Therapy: Drawing, painting, and sculpting help many people to reconcile inner conflicts, release deeply repressed emotions, and foster self-awareness, as well as personal growth. Some mental health providers use art therapy as both a diagnostic tool and as a way to help treat disorders such as depression, abuse-related trauma, and schizophrenia. You may be able to find a therapist in your area who has received special training and certification in art therapy.

Dance/Movement Therapy: Some people find that their spirits soar when they let their feet fly. Others-particularly those who prefer more structure or who feel they have "two left feet"-gain the same sense of release and inner peace from the Eastern martial arts, such as Aikido and Tai Chi. Those who are recovering from physical, sexual, or emotional abuse may find these techniques especially helpful for gaining a sense of ease with their own bodies. The underlying premise to dance/movement therapy is that it can help a person integrate the emotional, physical, and cognitive facets of "self."

Music/Sound Therapy: It is no coincidence that many people turn on soothing music to relax or snazzy tunes to help feel upbeat. Research suggests that music stimulates the body's natural "feel good" chemicals (opiates and endorphins). This stimulation results in improved blood flow, blood pressure, pulse rate, breathing, and posture changes. Music or sound therapy has been used to treat disorders such as stress, grief, depression, schizophrenia, and autism in children, and to diagnose mental health needs.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Remembering the Terror

A form of anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is sometimes formed after someone has experienced a very terrifying ordeal, usually where serious physical damage could or did occur to the person involved.

Events that can trigger PTSD to occur include violent attacks on people e.g. muggings, rape, human caused or natural disasters, and military combat. Once someone has PTSD they often find it to be hugely disabling.

In terms of PTSD symptoms, those affected tend to re-experience the worst parts of their horrible past in the form of memory flashbacks and nightmares/ frightening thoughts. Other symptoms of PTSD are numbness to emotions, depression, poor sleeping ability, anxiety, and outbursts of anger and general irritability. Powerful emotions of guilt are also common. If symptoms like these endure for over one month PTSD can then be diagnosed.

PTSD can affect any age, from children right through to the elderly. Symptoms are likely to show themselves within three months of a particular traumatic event.

Once apparent this illnesses duration and severity are variable, lasting from just six months to many years.

Other problems can sometime become associated with PTSD, e.g. alcoholism, substance abuse, co-occurring depression and other types of anxiety disorder.

Gastrointestinal complaints, dizziness, problems with the patient's immune system, headaches or chest pains, amongst numerous other possible bodily ailments are not unusual. What is important is that quick, effective diagnosis and treatment of these conditions occurs, so as to provide the best chance of treatment success..

Individuals more open to developing PTSD are those that have suffered abuse when a child or people who've undergone highly traumatic experiences. Today's society is becoming increasingly terror-filled.

Research has made treatment of this disorder more available. It is possible that in the near future, a standardized treatment model will be produced that can end the suffering of many who suffer PTSD.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012


Seroquel is a prescription medication categorized as psychotropic medication. It is used as a treatment for schizophrenia and bipolar mania.

Seroquel is not for everyone. If you have or have a history of liver problems, heart related problems, high triglycerides or cholesterol, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, seizures, or hypothyroidism, Seroquel may not be right for you. Furthermore, those who are currently pregnant, breastfeeding, or may become pregnant while taking Seroquel, should not take the medication because the effects on an unborn baby or if the medication will pass to the baby through the breast milk.

Seroquel, a tablet oral medication, is usually prescribed in doses taken three to four times daily. It can be taken with meals or without and should always include a full glass of water with each dose.

While taking Seroquel, there are three things you most need to be aware of. This medication has the possibility of causing drowsiness or dizziness in the patient, which could result in dangerous outcomes. You should avoid alcohol consumption; alcohol can increase the likelihood of some side effects such as dizziness or drowsiness. While taking Seroquel, avoid exercising and activity in extremely hot weather. Seroquel could cause dangerous dehydration and should be closely watched during hot summer days.

Some common side effects of Seroquel include constipation, agitation, weight gain, and dry mouth. Instances of any breathing difficulties, tongue swelling, hives, face swelling, lip swelling, and throat closing could all be signs of an allergic reaction and should be immediately reported to a doctor or emergency room. Furthermore, if the patient notices any type of uncontrolled body movements, specifically within the legs, arms, jaw, cheeks, tongue, and mouth, a doctor should be seen right away.

Seroquel has been shown to be very effective on the disorders it is used for and the side effects are rare.


Schizophrenia is a brain illness that affects one percent of the people all over the world. The persons can be young or older, women or men, it doesn't matter. It's diagnosis can be more difficult than it might seem because the symptoms of schizophrenia can be similar at times to other major brain disorders such as bipolar disorder or even major depression.

Schizophrenia is characterized by a disruption in cognition and emotion, affecting the most fundamental human attributes: language, thought, perception, affect, and sense of self. The entire sense of self is changed when a person is schizophrenic.

Schizophrenia symptoms are divided into three categories: positive symptoms, disorganized symptoms, and negative symptoms.

The most common symptom is delusions - patients think that they are somebody other than themselves, often someone famous. Hallucinations follow close behind in frequency. These can be hearing things nobody else does, seeing things that aren't there, or even smelling and feeling something that nobody else does.

Disorganized thinking and disorganized speech are also present in people with schizophrenia. Other disorganized symptoms are: difficulty understanding, poor concentration, poor memory, difficulty expressing thoughts, difficulty integrating thoughts, feelings and behavior.

Catatonic behavior is a characterized by stupor/inactivity. The person with this can stand still for a long period of time, staring at something, and nothing will disturb him or cause him to change position.

Negative symptoms include: lack of emotion, the inability to enjoy activities as much as before, low energy (the person sits around and sleeps much more than normal) lack of interest in life and low motivation.

Schizophrenia is one of the more serious mental disorders. It can, with proper treatment, be controlled. The main thing is to make sure medication is not discontinued. This so often happens in schizophrenic patients who do not have anyone keeping track of things like medication.

Monday, 22 October 2012

Dying to Be Thin

Bulimia, also called bulimia nervosa, is a psychological eating disorder which mainly hits girls between the ages of 15 to 25. Studies indicate that by their first year of college, 4.5 to 18 percent of women and 0.4 percent of men have a history of bulimia.

Bulimia is characterized by episodes of binge eating followed by purging. The desire for food and candy is very strong and at the same time the person try to reduce weight. This causes a strong conflict between the desire to eat and the desire to reduce weight.

To cope with the conflict they use inappropriate methods of weight control including vomiting, fasting, enemas, excessive use of laxatives and diuretics, or compulsive exercising. A period of binge eating produces strong feelings of guilt.

For a person with bulimia, self-confidence is strongly dependent on the shape and weight of the body. There are similarities between anorexia and bulimia regarding the fear of becoming fat and the desire to reduce weight. It's not unusual that anorexia often turns into bulimia. Just about half of those with anorexia will have bulimia nervosa. The conditions overlap.

Studies have shown that disorders in family relations can be one of the factors that contributes to bulimia. Difficult periods of time or changes like puberty, death in the family or other family crisis can cause bulimia nervosa. The teenager feels she can't control her world, but can control her weight. Considering many of those with bulimia are perfectionists, they carry the weight control to the extreme.

Bulimia nervosa can cause severe medical complications. There is a risk for damages that will become permanent. These can include damages to the heart, lungs and other major organs. It is yet unknown if bulimia can damage the brain in any way. If untreated, bulimia can lead to death.

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Dépression bipolaire et la dépression clinique

Approximately 10% of Americans suffer from a form of depression during their lives. This number varies, but is pretty much the same all over the world. There are a few places in the world that depression seems to have missed, but not much. Depression affects how we behave in our sleep patterns to how to think and live their lives in general.

The difference between depression and bipolar depression is the severity and frequency. Only depression is often created life circumstances, while bipolar depression is chemically induced and flipside of mani. Depression and mania come in cycles, whatever the circumstances of a person's life.

While people suffering from clinical depression at the risk of the use of drugs or alcohol to relieve their symptoms, the risk is higher in people with bipolar depression. A person who knows the top of mania, try to recreate the feeling when they are depressed or 'stable '. Drugs often help create, high for a short period. This leads to the person in danger of adding drugs for bipolar disorder.

Treatment of the two types of depression vary also. Those who suffer from clinical depression antidepressants are prescribed only. Those who have bipolar depression often as a mood stabilizer can be given in first place, and an antidepressant as a second choice, if necessary. Both drugs adjustment of the chemicals in the brain to alleviate depression, but the mood stabilizer also helps the person to keep to go too far in the other direction and become manic.

The person who suffers from depression, it feels the same thing that creates the atmosphere. The important part to know the games of difference is mainly in the treatment options. A person suffering from bipolar depression is in danger of becoming manic, if are treated only to treat depression. In itself, this creates additional problems.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

When Anxiety Becomes a Personality Disorder

Very severe anxiety can sometimes lead doctors to diagnose people with personality disorders. Symptoms of the two most prevalent ones are described in this article.

Anxious (Avoidant) Personality Disorder is characterized by pervasive and persistent emotions of insecurity, shyness, tension and apprehension. The person believes they are undeserving, unlikable, and inept socially, and not that important compared with other people. These feelings often mean the affected individual avoids relationships unless certain that they are liked by the other person.

Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder comes in two forms: 'impulsive type' and 'borderline type', both have the following characteristics: a strong inability to think and plan ahead in combination with no real self-control and the occasional sudden outburst of extreme anger. This anger can itself lead to other behaviors such as violence, particularly if these acts are challenged or stopped by people in the vicinity.

Impulsive type emotional instability manifests itself with a low level of being able to control impulses. Violence and threatening behavior are frequent, and more often than not are direct responses to others criticizing the person affected.

Borderline type emotional instability can be characterized by strong doubts of personal aims, image and sexual preferences, leading to upset and distress. Debilitating feelings of emptiness can promote suicide, or at the very least self-harming. People get involved in emotionally taut, constrained relationships which frequently have crises, but which they try to remain in so as to avoid being abandoned.

As yet the diagnosis of this mental condition is controversial since its causes and treatments are not fully agreed upon. Certain sufferers benefit from being emotionally open enough to discuss past difficult and upsetting experiences. Through airing their problems they become able to better identify the risky situations and so learn how to then deal with them.

Do I Need Mental Health Help?

With extreme emotional issues, we often have no problem deciding whether we need to see a counselor or not; however, with a slight discomfort, a few bad days, we can't always make that decision. Ask yourself the following questions and truthfully answer yes or no.

*Do you get honest satisfaction from simple pleasures?

*Do you have respect for yourself?

*Can you laugh at your own errors?

*Do you feel capable of dealing with situations as they come your way?

* Can you accept displays of your own emotions - fear, anger, jealousy, guilt, worry?

* Do you have personal relationships that are satisfying and lasting?

* Do you trust others and assume that others will trust you?

* Do you respect people who differ from you?

* Do you refuse to be pushed around and refuse satisfaction from it?

* Can you feel you are a part of a group?

* Are you able to love somebody?

* Do you accept as much responsibility as comes your way?

* Do you make your own decisions?

* Do you deal with your problems as they arise?

* Do you shape your environment whenever possible and adjust to it whenever necessary?

Count up the number of no answers. If you don't have any, you are exceptional. A couple of no answers is normal and is absolutely nothing to be concerned about. If, however, you answered no to more than five questions, there is a good chance you could benefit from some type of counseling to help get you back on track.

The fact you are able to take this test is a good indicator that, with the proper counseling, you will be fine. Just don't let it go until more answers turn to no. You deserve enjoying the best mental health possible. Don't neglect it.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Bipolar II Disorder

Bipolar II is related to Bipolar I, but it differs in one major aspect. While Bipolar I has extreme manic and depressive states, Bipolar II has the deep depression, but never goes into full-blown mania. The highs of this type of bipolar disorder aren't quite as high, but they are high enough to make the individual notice the downswings more. This form of bipolar disorder can be just as trying on the individual as Bipolar I.

The highs of bipolar two are called a hypomanic manic episode. Hypomania is essentially a very revved up state of great productivity and quickness. When hypomanic, you talk fast, walk fast, think fast, pretty much do everything else fast. You become upbeat, enthusiastic, relentlessly optimistic and confident.

Major depressive episode is essentially just a fancy word for depression. When you have a major depressive episode, you're severely depressed. The symptoms are the same as they are for clinical depression. These symptoms are:

--Decreased interest in life.

--Feelings of sadness, tension, or irritability.

--Loss of energy.

--Change in appetite.

--Change in sleeping patterns.

--Feeling restless.

--Feeling slowed down.

--Decreased ability to make decisions.

--Lack of concentration.

--Feelings of worthlessness or guilt.

--Feelings of hopelessness.

--Thoughts of suicide or death.

The major depressive episode is the downside of Bipolar II in more ways than one. Not only is it the mood downswing, it's the cost of having such great productive ups. Although you can get a lot accomplished when in the up phase of Bipolar II and you can also feel wonderful, you pay a high price for these benefits. You pay with a major depressive episode. Coming down off of a glorious, ecstatic high into a place of hopelessness can be devastating.

Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder

Giving unconditional love for bipolar disorder patients is a tough job. If you do not understand what is happening to your loved one, then you will have difficulty relating to them.

Do not think of the illness as humiliation. If you will feel ashamed of your loved one because he is inflicted with such illness, then you are not helping him restore his good health, instead you are letting him do worse than expected.

Trust is essential to individuals with Bipolar disorder. They need you to trust them, not entrust them to other people or institutions such as the psychiatrists or an asylum. To build up trust, an open and honest communication is needed. Keep the communication line open. An open and honest communication is vital. Encourage your loved one to talk about what he thinks and feels. Let him suggest ways on how you are supposed to relate to him.

Do not suppress what you feel. However, there are positive ways to let your loved know how you feel. It is recommended that you avoid nagging, preaching or lecturing an individual with Bipolar disorder. Such negative actions will drive him to detach. If you are concerned about him, let him see how concerned you are in a gentle and encouraging manner.

Let him do things his way. Along with trust and communication, let the person experience what he can do for himself. Let him solve problems if he can find solutions. Let him live the way he is supposed to live. By that, he will feel that he is important and has a good reason why he lives.

Be there. Although you allow him to do his own way, it does not mean that you will not be there when he needs you to. Let him do things his way but make sure that you are around to give assistance when needed.

Most importantly, apart from assistance, you need to offer your love, understanding and support.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Addiction and personality disorder

Substance abuse and Addictions (alcoholism, drug addiction) is a form of pattern recurring and self-destructive of misconduct. People are addicted to all sorts of things: games of chance, shopping, Internet, reckless and sides of life-danger of the same coin. Adrenaline junkies abound.

The link between the chronic anxiety, pathological narcissism, depression, features obsessive compulsive and drug addiction, alcoholism and substance abuse is common and well established in clinical practice. But not all Narcissists, compulsive, depressive and anxious people are turning to the bottle or the needle.

Frequent claims to find a complex of genes responsible for alcoholism was constantly thrown in doubt. In 1993 suggested Berman and behavior addictive Noble and bold is just emerging phenomena, and can be connected with other, more basic features such as risk taking or new research. Psychopaths (patient with an antisocial personality disorder) are the two qualities in abundance. We expect them, so strongly of alcohol and drug abuse. Yes, as Lewis and demonstrated convincingly in 1991 Bucholz, they do. Although a negligible minority of alcoholics and drug addicts are psychopaths.

What was established that most of the addicts are narcisstic in personality. Cocaine abuse serves its purpose. The places him above the laws and pressure from secularism and humiliating and depressing reality requirements. They make him the center of attention - but also locked up in 'splendid isolation' troublesome and less than the quantity.

These pages of the wild and mandatory judgment gives a psychological exoskeleton. They are a delegate existence connected. The narcissistic advice with an agenda, with timetables, goals and false results. Narcissistic-adrenaline-junkie-feel that he is in control, alert, energized and vital. He does not consider his condition as a dependency. Narcissistic convinced he is responsible for his addiction that he may leave at will and in a short time.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Panic Attacks

Almost two percent of adult Americans, or three million people, will have panic disorder at some time in their lives. Panic disorder is a serious health problem and is very different from other types of anxiety. Panic attacks are sudden, appear to be unprovoked, and are often disabling. If you have panic disorder, you may feel suddenly terrified for no reason. During a panic attack, you also have scary physical feelings like a fast heartbeat, trouble breathing, or dizziness. Some people believe they are having a heart attack.

Panic attacks can happen at any time and any place without warning. Many people with panic disorder develop intense anxiety between episodes. It is not unusual for a person with panic disorder to develop phobias about places or situations where panic attacks have occurred, such as in supermarkets or other everyday situations.

Panic attacks often begin when people are young adults, around 18 to 24 years old. Sometimes they start when a person is under a lot of stress, for example after the death of a loved one or after having a baby. Anyone can have panic disorder, but more women than men have the illness. It sometimes runs in families.

Speaking to a specially trained doctor or counselor who can teach you ways to cope with your panic attacks helps many people with panic disorder. Therapy will help you feel less afraid and anxious. Thanks to research, there are a variety of treatments available, including several effective medications, and also specific forms of psychotherapy. Often, a combination of psychotherapy and medications produces good results.

It is extremely important for a person suffering from panic disorder to understand that help is available. Tragically, many people with panic disorder do not seek or receive treatment. The physical toll this takes adds to the problem.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012


Fear of travel is the common definition of agoraphobia. This can be a serious condition where a person is not able to leave the House at all, or it may be a slight disorder in which a person cannot travel more than a few hours at home. When a person tries to go beyond what is considered 'safe' for then boundaries they go into a panic attack agoraphobia.

Starting with small steps is the best way that a person can decrease their agoraphobia panic attack. Finally mastered their fear everyone should set specific objectives to overcome your panic attacks. Family and friends are the best people to help a person in this process.

For ill same agoraphobia panic attack is very frustrating. It is because an agoraphobic attacks are often less rational than typical panic attacks.

A fear of public places, particularly those where there is a large gathering of people that can grow to a merchant of a social unrest. Someone with disorders of general panic may be embarrassed by their disorder, which can then cause a fear of travel and suffers from a panic attack in public.

The only way for a person to overcome these attacks is to push their limits, which complicates the agoraphobia panic attack treatment. Before getting better Agoraphobic lot tends to be worse for this reason. Because each person has to do is stay within their "secure" area has a tendency to ignore their Agoraphobic problem. The problem may be easy to ignore, it is however a suffocating symptom that comes from a chronic disorder of the panic.

Agoraphobia, little by little, can be overcome. It takes a lot of patience and time. It is that people with this condition must learn to turn to confidence and help them through.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Generalized anxiety disorder affects approximately three percent of the population. There are no real triggers for generalized anxiety disorder. Sometimes it can affect a person without them knowing. The feeling of worry and anxiety will start to creep into the person's head and they are unable to stop, despite all indications the worry is unnecessary.

People who experience generalized anxiety disorder usually expect the worse case scenario. It prevents them from relaxing and can cause insomnia, fatigue, headaches, irritability and trembling.

This anxiety disorder affects nearly four million people each year and often hits people in their childhood or adolescence but can first appear in adulthood. It affects women more than men.

Generalized anxiety disorder is just one of six different anxiety disorders and can be categorized in the following groups: Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Post Traumatic Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Anxiety Disorder and Phobia Related Anxiety Disorder

GAD along with the other 5 disorders is treatable and should be looked at by a professional therapist as soon as possible. There are two main types of recommended therapy, cognitive and behavioral therapy. Cognitive therapy is focused on changing one's mental state by helping the brain relearn its thinking process. It can help with long term treatment because changing the way a person thinks can affect their out come tremendously.

Behavioral therapy is a more in your face type of treatment. It involves confronting a person's fears. The purpose to this is to help a person talk about their problems until they become desensitized from the fear or anxiety by describing in detail how they feel.

Whichever method a person chooses, treatment for generalized anxiety disorder will help the person live a fuller, more enjoyable life. A life free on unnecessary worry and fear is possible with time and effort.

Taking Control of Mental Illness

We are told that mental illnesses occur because of our genes, our upbringing, our personality, our temperament, our lifestyle and we can do nothing about them. Stress or no stress, we are told, if we have all these factors loaded in our personal history, we are prone to have a mental illness. Some psychiatrists adhere to this belief strongly. This belief is then put across as the "gospel truth" of science. Naturally, this brings up a sense of low self-esteem and helplessness in the person who is suffering with the illness. We are then made to believe that medications are man-made answers to mental illness, which is a curse of nature.

The whole area of mental illness is about losing a sense of freedom. When we find ourselves bound to emotional issues of our life, that we cannot rid ourselves of, we lose our freedom of thinking. This creates stress in our mind and our body bears the brunt of it. This loss of freedom brings up a sense of fear or a sense of helplessness. Both such feelings bring up a sense of insecurity. People lose confidence in their own worth. Self-esteem becomes low. With lack of confidence and low self-esteem, comes poor decision-making. A person suffers with all these conditions when suffering with a mental illness. When a mentally ill person goes to seek help - confidence, self-esteem and sense of freedom are already lost. Instead of helping the person become independent, there is a tendency to make the person dependent on medication.

Medication plays its role in controlling the condition or state of illness. It does nothing to improve the quality of life permanently. To improve their quality of life, the person needs to take responsibility for their own well being. We live in a free society. The freedom to suffer is also one kind of freedom. We also have the freedom to look for answers to minimize our suffering

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Alternative methods in mental health

What are alternative approaches to mental health? An alternative approach to mental health care is one that focuses on the relationship between the body and the spirit. Although some alternative approaches have a long history, many remain controversial. National center of complementary and alternative medicine at the National Institutes of Health was created in 1992 to help evaluate alternative methods of treatment and to integrate those who are effective in the practice of public health. However, it is essential to consult your healthcare provider regarding the procedures used to achieve mental wellness.

Diet and nutrition food setting and nutrition can help some people with mental disorders to manage their symptoms and promote recovery. For example, suggests research to eliminate milk and wheat can reduce the severity of symptoms for some people with schizophrenia and some children with autism. In the same way use some treatments herbal natural and holistic medicine, vitamin B, riboflavin, magnesium and thiamine to treat anxiety, autism, depression, psychosis induced by the medication and hyperactivity.

Pastoral Counseling-some prefer to seek help for psychological problems of their pastor, Rabbi or priest, no event handlers that are not associated with a religious community. Counselors working within traditional religious communities increasingly recognize the need to incorporate psychotherapy and/or medication, prayer and spirituality to effectively help some people with mental disorders.

Animal assisted therapy - work with an animal (or animals) under the supervision of a professional of health may benefit some people with mental illness by facilitating positive changes such as empathy increase socialization skills. Animals can be used as part of group communication therapy programs and increase the ability to focus. The development of self-esteem and reduce loneliness and anxiety are just some potential benefits of individual pet therapy (Delta Society, 2002).

Saturday, 13 October 2012

What is Social Anxiety Disorder?

Social anxiety disorder may be easily misdiagnosed or even be mistaken as a form of shyness. Having said that, many sufferers of social anxiety are not even aware that they are experiencing an anxiety disorder. Approximately seven percent of the population suffers from social anxiety. Recent years have shown progress in treating this type of disorder.

Social anxiety can be defined as fear of social occasions and situations and the interaction with people due to feelings of negative evaluation, inadequacy, embarrassment, humiliation and self-consciousness. This form of phobia provoked by the social situations exceeds the ordinary shyness when it ultimately leads to complete or excessive social avoidance and invariably causing substantial social impairment. People with this disorder are often the world's loners.

The physical symptoms of social anxiety disorder are associated with two or more of the signs that are caused by persistent fear or worry, negative feeling of embarrassment and humiliation such as restlessness, feeling of fatigue, trembling and sweaty palms, lack of focus, muscle tension or sleep disturbance. There is a high possibility when you experience irritability, shortness of breath and intense anxiety and worry that suggest that you are suffering from a social anxiety disorder. Social anxiety symptoms closely resemble ordinary shyness but they can be differentiated in terms of the intensity and extreme experience of anxiety and tension.

In the early stages of the disorder, it is critical to receive the appropriate medical intervention by drug-based medication or non-drug based methods or combination of both. Alternative medicines have also recently grown in popularity, of which therapy is often used widely for healing social anxiety. There are no clear guidelines on the best course of treatment. It may take several attempts and method or prescription changes to find the one that works for you.


More than 2 million people in the United States suffer from schizophrenia, a chemical imbalance in the brain. Schizophrenia has a number of symptoms that have a direct effect on the ability to connect with others, make decisions, manage feelings and have clear train of freedom of thought. If you're one of the many people in the country, with schizophrenia, you should talk with your doctor about Abilify.

Abilify may help reduce some symptoms of schizophrenia. For example take Abilify can help you regain interest in things you once enjoyed. It can also free your mind, leaving you less you confused and release unpleasant or disturbing thoughts and be able to prevent hallucinations.

When you take Abilify, you may start to feel better in just one or two weeks. However, no two people are alike and each person reacts differently to medications, so it's important to continue taking the medication, even if you start to feel better right away.

What's great about Abilify, is that you can treat schizophrenia without having to meet your day around drugs. As a drug once a day, just to remember a single dose, and the rest of the day is yours. Abilify is available in two different forms-tablets and oral solution. Tablets come in doses of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 mg. oral solution is available in doses of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 milli-litre.

Abilify comes with any type of drug, with a few possible side effects. Some side effects of the medications of schizophrenia include tremors, agitation, dizziness, constipation and drowsiness. Them take Abilify may also experience vomiting, nausea, insomnia, anxiety and headaches. Studies have shown some patients a few instances of weight gain taking Abilify.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Types of Self-Injury

The most common form of self-injury is actually cutting yourself. There are many reasons this may occur. One is the feeling of guilt over a certain event that happened recently or even years back. Sometime stress is so intense then the person's only resort is to divert it into physical pain. Another reason could be for mere pleasure. The episode of mania causes the patient to have excessive energy and forcing it out through self-injury is one way to prove it.

Another way to punish one self is by wearing inappropriate clothing for a particular season or climate. One reason why a patient wears thick clothing during warm weather is to conceal an object or possible even just themselves, shielding them from the world.

In some cultures, piercing and tattooing are forms of spiritual conversion. Other people on the other hand consider these acts as self-expression. While these reasons are widely acceptable to many, piercing and tattooing can still be considered as ways of injuring one's self. Sometimes, these self-mutilations (others call it transformation) become so addictive and so uncontrollable that they become two entirely different problems.

A patient with one or more painful experiences of abuse can reenact those times if they remain unprocessed or untreated. There are two possible reasons why a person does this. One is to let others know that they are still hurting, and the other is to let him or her experience the pain all over again as a gesture of guilt and unforgiveness.

These acts are clear manifestations of the intention to harm and can lead to suicide. If you know someone who is depressed and does this, carefully approach the patient and suggest that he or she should consult a psychiatrist. If in case you are the one who is practicing these acts, recognize your condition and seek psychological treatment immediately.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

One thing that is coming up more than ever is the condition called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Some were aware of it before this became the common name and remember it as shell shock.

It starts with events that are so traumatic for those suffering, that they can't deal with it all at once, and shouldn't be expected too. In wars, many soldiers experience horrors that were extremely beyond anything they could ever prepare for. This has been a strongly noticed issue on the rise since the many soldiers returned home from the Vietnam War.

Many have experienced post traumatic stress disorder from acts of violence around crime scenes, devastating losses, repeated abuses beyond imagination, and yet many more situations. The key factor often being the result is severely traumatizing to them.

Whatever the cause, untreated, those with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder stand to deal with many side effects including sleep trouble, anxiety, depression, flashbacks, and even blackouts when these occur. While they came back, the issues of their trauma are still buried deep in their mind in full force.

One of the more extreme side effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is another disorder called Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), in which studies indicate all cases have PTSD as well. Split personalities seem to be one of the ways the human mind can deal with the trauma hidden back in.

One thing that will definitely be necessary when treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is unraveling the layers of emotional feelings, fears and other things that may have long been hidden and attempted forgotten. Learning to deal with these feelings and fears is the most important thing. Being able to find someone they can open up to about them and get the word out of their head will indeed bring long-term progress

Creativity and Bipolar Disorder

Almost since the beginning of time, human beings have recognized the connection between intelligence or creativity and mental illness. Consider the way these individuals are portrayed in movies and books, for instance - the mad scientist working day and night in his laboratory, the hallucinating artist who doesn't even take time out from his creative work to eat.

Researchers have noted that an unusually high number of creative geniuses suffered from bipolar disorder. The reason Bipolar may bring about this increase in creative abilities is linked to the nature of the disease. One symptom of mania is an increase in creative, mental and physical energy. This might explain why these people were able create such works of genius, and why they were able to devote such concentrated periods of time to their work.

These creative geniuses included novelist Virginia Woolf, who brought us numerous first rate novels. Poet Sylvia Plath also suffered from the mood swings associated with Bipolar disorder. Musician and composer Ludwig van Beethoven is also believed to have suffered from Bipolar Disorder.

Perhaps best known for her role as the Southern belle Scarlet O'Hara in Gone with the Wind, actress Vivien Leigh was also plagued with Bipolar Disorder. Despite the disease and the shock therapy she was given as the treatment in those days.

Painter Vincent Van Gogh is also said to have suffered from Bipolar disorder. His most loved painting Starry Night was painted while Van Gogh was in a mental asylum for treatment of his erratic moods.

While every person with bipolar disorder may not create lasting works of art or literature, there is a higher percentage of artists and writers who are bipolar. So does the emotional instability of bipolar disorder bring about genius? We may one day know the answer for sure.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

What is Trichotillomania?

It is a compulsive hair-pulling disorder that can lead to permanent hair loss on the head and can also affect eyebrows and eyelashes. This can be quite painful for the sufferers who often believe it's 'just their fault'.

This condition may be a learned disorder; therefore suggesting it can be unlearned. The skin itself, or skin in which hair grows may be conditioned over a long period of time. This time can be over a person's entire lifetime causing the person to not know its origins or can arise within as little time as a year. This conditioning seems to cause the perception of pain to be changed into pleasure. There has been notice of similar behavioral patterns within a family, suggesting genetic origin.

Frequent hair pulling can traumatize the follicles on the head and can then lead to permanent hair loss. This permanent hair loss can make it difficult for recovered trichotillomaniacs to return to a normal life once cured, but new treatments can help these patients regain a natural look once again.

Eyelash transplantation, where a new surgical procedure can create new living and growing eyelashes by transplanting hair from the scalp into the upper eyelids. Another new method of treatment is that of eyebrow transplantation. This is a delicate single-follicle transplant procedure that recreates the eyebrows by imitating the unique growth characteristics of the original hair follicles. The last method just discovered to be highly effective is that of Follicular-unit extraction which is a minimally invasive, micro-surgical hair restoration procedure that uses tiny donor sites to transplant new follicles into balding areas of the scalp.

All in all, there is now great new hope for the sufferers of this condition and hopefully people will never have to endure this affliction again once successfully treated.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

What is a Mood Disorder?

Mood disorder has become a bit of a generic term when discussing mental health. In reality, the term mood disorder refers to one of two specific conditions: depression or Bipolar Disorder.

Many people refer to feeling sad or disappointed as "being depressed". This is a factually incorrect description. Depression is, in part, a chronic change in one's mood, outlook, or behavior. Normal sadness and disappointment don't linger on for weeks at a time.

Bipolar Disorder is a swing between feeling euphoric mania, and major depression. Bipolar Disorder can have a severe impact on the lives of people inflicted with it, as the euphoric mania stage sometimes results in excessive, irresponsible behavior -- spending a great deal of money unwisely, for instance, or inappropriately interjecting oneself into certain situations -- while the major depressive stage can leave a person almost completely incapacitated, and sometimes leads to a suicide attempt.

Having anxiety is quite a different scenario than having Bipolar Disorder. Anxiety is, generally speaking, feeling emotionally overwhelmed and/or extremely fearful, be it most of the time, or only in certain situations. The person with anxiety may feel as though they aren't in control, but an anxious person typically isn't going to engage in public displays of irrational or unreasonable behavior like someone with Bipolar Disorder may. Interestingly enough, this fear of becoming mentally ill is typically an indication that one is not mentally ill at all, as most people who are truly mentally ill consider themselves to be normal and healthy, and may even react hostilely to anyone suggesting otherwise.

While using the term mood disorder when one really means anxiety may just be a case of semantics, it is important to differentiate between various emotional and psychological conditions, if for no other reason than to ensure proper treatment.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Two Herbs that Help with mental distress

We often here of how well plants, especially herbs, can help increase the effectiveness of the body's immune system. Mental distress is often caused by an imbalance in part of the brain. While no herbs can completely cure a mental disorder, there are some that can help alleviate the most distressful symptoms.

Following are two herbs commonly used in India that have shown great promise in relieving the distress caused by emotional disorders.

Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) Commonly known as Indian Pennywort is generally found everywhere in India especially above 4000 ft. of height. This herb is most extensively used in Indian. Good results have also been found in epilepsy attacks. Its action as a non-sedative tranquilizer has made it a drug that can be used in anxiety and hypertension. Whole plant part is used in preparing medicines.

Ashwagandha (withania somnifera) commonly called winter cherry is one of the herbs that produce wonderful results in problems caused by the nervous system, circulatory system and joint related problems. Ashwagandha plays a major role in suppressing anxiety and hypertension. It has proved very affective in relieving stress and stress related problems. It has given wonderful results in joint pains and arthritic conditions. It has also proven its worth in improving body immunity and bodies overall strength to fight against disease. It has also been found effective in treating weakness and mental fatigue of the body. Good results in depression and other mental ailments have also been seen. Plant part used is root.


As with all herbs, it is advisable to discuss taking these with your doctor before doing so. There is no evidence of adverse side effects, but a doctor's okay will help avoid any problems that individuals may have, such as an allergy that may develop.

Early Sign of Autism

The first signs of autism occur during early infancy and the disorder is usually diagnosed by the age of three. The autistic symptoms vary from one patient to another, from mild to severe forms.

The first warning sign is an abnormal response to different stimuli such as light or sound. Noises may appear painful to the child, smells are overwhelmingly strong and touches are painful. Loud noises and very bright lights trigger what is termed "meltdown".

Autistic children are indifferent to their surroundings and are satisfied with playing and being alone. They show no real interest in toys and are usually uninterested in interacting with others.

Patients with high functioning autism manage to develop some communication skills In some instances, words or phrases are used repetitively (echolalia) and their patterns of speech often lack expression or intonation.

Resisting changes in their routine or repeating an action over and over again is a part of their daily behavior. In severe distress situations these children often engage in self-injurious actions like biting or scratching themselves or banging their heads.

Warning signs in small children include rejection of touch, frequent behavioral outbursts, inexplicable attachment to some object and disinterest in others. Autistic children cannot maintain actual eye contact, they do not fear danger and they show an under sensitivity towards pain.

In spite of all the efforts of parents and teachers, autistic children do not respond to normal teaching methods and verbal clues. They may give the impression of being deaf in spite of their normally developed hearing sense.

Signs and symptoms of autism increase in severity during teenage years but seem to decrease during adulthood.

Recent strides in treatment have made it possible for many autistic children to improve the quality of their lives dramatically.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Men and Depression

Men and women suffer depression almost equally. Men, however, are taught that any need for help shows weakness. They are, however, at greater risk for depression-related illnesses and suicide because they hide what is going on from everyone, often even denying it to themselves.

Most men hide their depression by trying to cover their feelings. They most often do this with drugs, alcohol, sex, or work. Depression shows in men not as helpless or hopeless, but as angry, frustrated, and other aggressive feelings. Men are less likely to seek treatment than women and they are less likely to admit that they have a problem.

Depression and men is a silent battle that barely makes a rumble until the battle is over. The drugs and the smiles and the carrying on and acting hide many of the typical signs of depression from others. It's hard to pick up on the signs of depression if you are close to the person, and it's even harder if they are trying to cover the feelings up.

If you notice that a loved one is showing any of the typical depression signs like oversleeping or not sleeping, tension, or uncontrollable anger (in the case of men) you should address the topic and let the person know that you care about them and that you are ready to listen when they are ready to talk. It's important not to push the issue and just let things run their course with men.

If you are a man who is depressed, there are a few things you can do to help yourself:

*Talk about how you feel

*Stay active (Find an activity that you enjoy)

*Give yourself a break to do something you enjoy

*Find a way to relax at the end of a busy day

*Try to eat properly.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Alternative therapies-part 2

Biofeedback: learn to control muscle tension and the "involuntary" body functions, such as heart rate and skin temperature can be a path to mastering fears. It is used in combination with, or as an alternative to medicine to treat conditions such as anxiety, panic and phobias. A person may, for example, learn how to "educate" his or her habits by breathing in stressful situations can induce relaxation and reduce the hyperventilation. Some preliminary research suggests that it may offer an additional tool for the treatment of schizophrenia and depression.

Guided imagery or visualization: this process is to enter a State of deep relaxation and create a mental image of recovery and well-being. Doctors, nurses and mental health providers sometimes use this procedure to treat addiction to cocaine, alcohol and drugs, depression, panic disorder, phobias and stress.

Massage therapy: the principle underlying this approach is that rubbing, kneading, brushing and faucet can help the muscles of the person releasing the tensions and emotions pent. It has been used for the treatment of trauma and stress-related depression. A highly regulated industry for massage therapy certification varies widely from one State to some States State. have strict guidelines, while others do not.

Telemedicine: connection to video technology and computer is a relatively recent innovation in the health system. It allows consumers and providers in rural or remote access to mental health or specialized expertise. Telemedicine can provide Council providers to speak and observe patients directly. It can be used in education and training for clinicians to generalist programs. Phone advice: active listening is the hallmark of telephone counsellors.

Electronic communications: technologies such as the Internet, electronic bulletin boards and mailing lists provide access directly to consumers and the public in a wide range of information. Online consumer groups can exchange information, experiences and opinions on mental health, treatment systems, natural sweet and other topics.

Friday, 5 October 2012

Dysthymic Depression

Dysthymic Disorder is a low-grade and yet chronic depression characterized by feelings of sadness or depression associated with lack of interest to do things and including some physical symptoms such as lack of energy, sleep, and concentration.

This is a type of clinical depression that is supposed to be "milder" than Major Depressive Disorder because the symptoms don't necessarily happen everyday. Unlike patients who suffer from MDD, Dysthymic patients are not bed-bound, still able to work, and do not appear to be sick. But most of these individuals complain that they haven't felt "normal" or "happy" for a long time.

Moreover, Dysthymic Disorder shows itself by lack of drive and motivation. Hence, relatives and friends tend to misinterpret the person's mood. Some patients endure the stigma of being considered "lazy" or not "motivated enough" to do worthwhile goals.

As time passes by, patients with this disorder have difficulty functioning. But because they still appear normal, the illness is not recognized and patients don't get treated early. A lot of times, they are not referred to a psychiatrist.

Patients experience considerable emotional turmoil. In fact, some dysthymic patients eventually develop a more serious depression called Major Depressive Disorder. When "double depression" (dysthymic disorder and major depression occurring together) happens, patients are so depressed that they become a threat to themselves and become functionally impaired. At this time, psychiatric hospitalization becomes necessary.

So Dysthymic Disorder is a serious health problem that should be recognized and treated promptly. It is an illness that somehow hides its existence from everyone including clinicians and patients themselves.

Dysthymic disorder can be treated by antidepressants and psychotherapy. Most patients respond to treatment although some still suffer despite adequate treatment. Also, there are some individuals who only respond minimally. As such, this illness can be more challenging to treat than others.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Loving Someone With OCD

Have you seen a person who consumes a considerable amount of time in ensuring that she or he has really turned off the light? Or has spent hours in just securing the door lock before bedtime? Or perhaps, your loved one, who perpetually cooks the pizza in a microwave oven, making sure that it's really well done? These could be signs that a person is suffering from OCD.

Latest advancement in medical research asserts that the problem lies in the sufferer's impaired amygdala, the human brain's center for basic emotions, including fear. Generally, the patient is aware of her or his behavior's irrationality. The sufferer may or may not be aware that something is amiss, or that the irrationality is a disease in itself. The amygdala of the person suffering with OCD is believed to be misbehaving.

The question now is, what if this person is your girlfriend, wife, boyfriend or husband. This somewhat odd behavior surely sets the stage for strains in a relationship. Is it worth it? Does OCD and relationships really work?

Like the amygdala itself, the relationship of non-sufferer with a person suffering from OCD, is always on the verge of misfiring. The non-sufferer feels perpetually uncomfortable or awkward trying to understand a peculiar behavior on display.

The OCD sufferer may feel a great degree of desperation, knowing that their loved ones really have a hard time understanding them.

From this perspective, both the OCD and non-OCD persons suffer. Multiply a singular instance of this friction between those involved. The pressure is immense, with both the parties.

But, taken from a different perspective, living with person suffering from OCD can be blessing. A stable relationship with an OCD may be an opportunity to reflect on the things we consider important, things that we cherish. This relationship, will not only challenge our traditional concept of loving relationship, but will challenge us to understand the meaning of a committed relationship.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Rapid Cycling in Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder by itself is a condition in which its sufferers cycle between two poles of mental instability; mania and depression. Rapid cycling occurs when the sufferer shifts quickly between the two states with little to no warning.

Because it is one of the most serious forms of bipolar disorder the prognosis for anyone afflicted with rapid cycling bipolar disorder is not always good. The mental health and brain function of people with this condition is highly compromised because of the rate at which they go from mania to depression and back again. Treating this condition is also difficult.

In order to make a rapid cycling diagnosis the patient will have to meet the standards set forth in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders IV-TR which states that the patient must have at least four episodes of depression and mania/hypomania in a one year period.

Some people with rapid cycling bipolar disorder are asymptomatic, meaning they have periods when they exhibit neither of the cycles associated with this disorder. This does not diminish their need to effectively deal with their condition because when the mania and depression do hit it can be severe enough to be life threatening.

The more troubling side of this disorder is those who have little to no time between normalcy and a depressive or manic episode. Without proper mental health help people who suffer from this extreme can be a danger to themselves and others.

It is also possible that those who suffer from rapid cycling bipolar disorder will also partake in risky behavior. Drug and alcohol abuse is not out of the question particularly for those who like to self medicate. This can actually make the symptoms much worse and cause the cycling between the two extremes to happen at an even faster pace.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

What is Social Anxiety

Social anxiety disorder symptoms can vary. Some individuals may only suffer from a specific fear such as eating or drinking, speaking, or writing if others are around or watching. Some people have a fear or going to the bathroom in a public restroom. Other people are fearful in all social situations and are never comfortable.

The normal daily activities that most people take for granted are so horrifying and worrisome it can be physically debilitating. This illness can cause people to miss work or school if they fear they will have to get up and be seen or noticed. Many persons with social phobia may have problems with relationships and can find it very difficult to meet and keep friends. Even when the person has friends they may not be able to enjoy going out with them or being with them in large crowds of other people who might be less known. Five of the most common symptoms are:

* Blushing often in social situations.

* Profuse sweating when anxious.

* Trembling when approached or spoke to.

* Nausea as anxiety increases and possibly vomiting.

* Extreme difficulty talking.

This disorder affects approximately 5.3 million American adults with men and women being affected equally. Social phobia usually starts to develop in childhood or the early teens. There is belief that social anxiety disorder can also be hereditary so if a family member has it you are at a higher risk of developing it.

Because of the nature and the severity of the anxiety people with this disorder have a higher risk of self-medicating with drugs and alcohol to try to relax and calm down. This only leads to worse problems and possibly addiction. To treat this disease one needs to see a doctor and seek psychotherapy and/or medications.

Herbs That Help With Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are the most common of all mental health disorders. Fortunately, anxiety disorder is highly treatable, and with professional help, it can often be completely overcome. Many times, successful treatment depends only upon individual or group therapy and learned relaxation techniques. In some cases, however, anti-anxiety prescription medication is also recommended. Medications can carry a risk of alarming side effects and can be highly addictive, spurring many people to seek safer, more natural alternatives.

There are many natural herbs for anxiety, which have been proven to effectively ease many of the symptoms of with a very low risk of side effects. Just as with prescription medications, everyone reacts differently to natural medications, and it can take time to find the right combination and dosage for your body.

Passionflower - an ingredient that is often used in natural medicine, alleviates hyperactivity, anxiety, insomnia, nervous tension -- and is even sometimes used to treat Parkinson's Disease. Passion flower soothes and calms and can lower high blood pressure.

Lemon balm - a general restorative for the nervous system, can reduce blood pressure and also calm the digestive system.

Lavender - an excellent anxiety treatment and one of the best natural panic attack treatments. Lavender is a general tonic for the nervous system and a natural relaxant.

Valerian - a popular natural ingredient that can be used as a sedative and a painkiller. It is often effectively employed as a treatment for anxiety and for insomnia, as well.

You may find that with psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, relaxation exercises or support groups, or some combination of all of them, you do not need any medication. But if you do decide to explore the option of medication, natural treatments for anxiety can provide you with safe, effective results, without the risk of side effects that prescription medications pose. Natural medications are becoming increasingly popular as awareness of them grows, and you might find that they are the right treatment for you as well.

Monday, 1 October 2012

Culturally Based Healing Arts

Traditional Oriental medicine (such as acupuncture, shiatsu, and reiki), Indian systems of health care (such as Ayurveda and yoga), and Native American healing practices (such as the Sweat Lodge and Talking Circles) all incorporate the beliefs that:

* Wellness is a state of balance between the spiritual, physical, and mental/emotional "selves."

* An imbalance of forces within the body is the cause of illness.

* Herbal/natural remedies, combined with sound nutrition, exercise, and meditation/prayer, will correct this imbalance.

Acupuncture: The Chinese practice of inserting needles into the body at specific points manipulates the body's flow of energy to balance the endocrine system. This manipulation regulates functions such as heart rate, body temperature, and respiration, as well as sleep patterns and emotional changes. Acupuncture has been used in clinics to assist people with substance abuse disorders through detoxification; to relieve stress and anxiety; to treat attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in children; to reduce symptoms of depression; and to help people with physical ailments.

Ayurveda: Ayurvedic medicine is described as "knowledge of how to live." It incorporates an individualized regimen--such as diet, meditation, herbal preparations, or other techniques--to treat a variety of conditions, including depression, to facilitate lifestyle changes, and to teach people how to release stress and tension through yoga or transcendental meditation.

Native American traditional practices: Ceremonial dances, chants, and cleansing rituals are part of Indian Health Service programs to heal depression, stress, trauma (including those related to physical and sexual abuse), and substance abuse.

Cuentos: Based on folktales, this form of therapy originated in Puerto Rico. The stories used contain healing themes and models of behavior such as self-transformation and endurance through adversity. Cuentos is used primarily to help Hispanic children recover from depression and other mental health problems related to leaving one's homeland and living in a foreign culture.